January 1, 2012

fields and fences

I love it when creativities collide. Some time ago I was contacted by Toronto musician Andy Jackson, who was looking for cover art for his project Fields and Fences. About five years ago I did two small acrylic paintings called Fields and Fences. When Andy did a Google image search my artwork popped up, he liked it, and he contacted me to ask if he could use the paintings as the cover art for his as-yet-unreleased CD.

Fast forward to this Christmas season, and Andy's CD went to press. A couple of days ago I got my copy in the mail and was impressed with the whole package, both music and design. The funny thing was that I had one of his songs, Aprimitive, on my iPod. I guess I'd downloaded it a few months ago but forgot to make a note of the details and recently I tried -- unsuccessfully -- to figure out what it was. Mystery solved! So I made it a mini project to create a music video for Aprimitive with a slide show of my own photographs. The creative collaboration comes full circle! The above video is the result.

You can listen to the album, download it or order the CD at Andy's website.

Happy New Year!


SamArtDog said...

You know I love your photos, and to see them joined with such a great sound track completes the pleasure. Fine job!
If it's not revealing your magician's hand too much, would you please tell me how you put together your slide show? I know, blood, sweat and tears, but what was the tool you used for the fades, etc.? I had a membership in "Slideshow", but apparently they're taking down their site, and I need a replacement.

andrea said...

Thanks, Sam, I appreciate the feedback. And I use Windows Live Movie maker -- easy peasy if you have it available!

dinahmow said...

Way to go!

kj said...

andrea! this is a treat!

you are so damn creative. you are a really really really good photographer. you honor two artists by combining sound and sight this way.

happy new year! i hope it's a good one


valerie walsh said...

love the song and love the art ;)

Indigene Theresa said...

Wowser! You simply just "ROCK!" :)

Anonymous said...

Loved you slide show. Great photos.

andrea said...
