I've just delivered a bunch of new work to various galleries, including shipping these small tree drawings up to Invermere, so am ready to focus on Christmas stuff. Good thing as all I've done so far is order a turkey and nag Greg to put the lights on the house. I predict two weeks of frantic shopping and prep. It's tradition!
Yesterday was shipping day. I had the pleasure of working with Robin and Margie at Art-Centric on another project this year so I packed up a handful of paintings and FedExed them to Dallas for their Christmas party next week. The project earlier this year was to create a couple of paintings from which they made and framed a hotel's-worth of prints for guestrooms in the Hilton in downtown Santa Fe.
Meanwhile, I'm awaiting my copy of the CD Fields and Fences by Canadian musician Andy Jackson. I gave him permission to use the images of these two paintings, entitled Fields and Fences, for the cover art. The actual paintings now live in Winnipeg with Chris.
Finally, I am again lucky to have been juried into the FCA's annual medal show for signature members. The work is pretty amazing this year, so if you're in downtown Vancouver before Christmas check it out on Granville Island. This one is my favourite.
sounds like things are humming along in ur world andrea, i love hearing it :) photography, paintings...you are on a roll!
Thanks, faithful Paula.
Your photography is so beautiful and any another mode of revenue is always helpful! :) :)
Bravo and Congratulations! Wonderful news for the holidays!
Wow Andrea, you've had quite a year! I'm so happy to see how many things have been working out well for you. I hope 2012 brings you more of the same. Happy Holidays.
Thank you my artist friends. Feliz Navidad to you two, too.
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