August 11, 2011

not going on holiday yet

The minute I say I'm taking a holiday I get a ton of ideas and start prepping panels, doing more drawings and planning-planning-planning. I really do intend on getting away from it all in a week, though, by unplugging myself (from everything!) here. Meanwhile: a giveaway! It's a little experimental panel I did when I first picked up oil paint: a close-up of a typical Vancouver house. It's painted on 3/4" cradled wood panel, the sides painted black, with a sawtooth hanger on the back. All you have to do is go to my Facebook page and 'like' the post of this painting.


Ponita in Real Life said...

Pick me! Pick me! *waves left arm above head*

Yes, I "liked" it on the appropriate fb page. ;-)

andrea said...

Yay! A comment! (Thanks, Pam.)

Indigene Theresa said...

Hmmm...does making a comment here and one on FB, make me eligible two times? :) You can't blame a girl for trying. lol! If you put a dot on a piece of paper, I'm trying to have it! Oh, did I tell you I'm willing to fight for it, too?! :)

andrea said...


Anonymous said...

I will go to your FB page to express my 'like'. How are you, BTW?

jo rosenblum said...

I miss you,
hope everythings ok, and you're just out there having a life...
look forward to what you'll come up with next.

andrea said...

Thanks, Ian and Jo. I'm back! :)