Is it the same or not? Take a look at the crow in both this image and yesterday's. At first its weird placement felt right to me; there was a sort of compositional tension to it. But after awhile it just started bugging me, so I posed the question on Facebook: leave it, move it or remove it? Most felt as I did: keep it but move it. But my oldest partner in art crimes, John (aka Theo), went one step further and suggested the solution. I knew I kept him around for a reason!
Check out the new page on John's website devoted to his Steampunk art experiments. (And if you like The Brown Goth as much as I do, check out this amazing book.)
It looks perfect in this spot. Good move...pardon the pun!
Isn't if fantastic to have a pool of helpful advice around when you need it? the good side of facebook:) I do like the new spot, but I gotta say my favourite part is the graffiti on the wall, especially since I bet it was the funnest part to paint.
But such an appropriate pun! And the graffiti required a leap of faith: wet-on-wet and no going back. Tackle with gusto! Fastest part of the painting by far. As for all the helpful advice, the fantastic part was that I actually took it. I'm notoriously lousy at looking at things from others' viewpoints.
...I love the change. You always have the coolest crow art!
I love this! Your works has a light that comes from the background. It's like someone's putting a spotlight on it, which makes the work so crisp! Loving it, Andrea! :)
i like this andrea. this is the first of these pieces i've seen. i'm coming back to your blog, you know :)
i hope you are doing fine. my life is crazy :)
Kelly: Thanks! I can look at it now without that niggle of irritation.
Theresa (can I call you that?): I keep looking for that light. You mean I actually found it? I love that!
KJ: I must start visiting you, too, old friend.
The painting is very bright and very realistic and the crow is great where he is. But what I want to mention is yes, YES! Now I know how you transform the the crow: with a Ray Gun with the help of the Spirit Comunicator! And Boilerplate was with you to assure that the crow wouldn't escape! :D
Peras: I think you have a future writing graphic novels!
That's my secret talent. Now the world just know it!
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