Crow Flies
mixed drawing media on archival paper framed to 20.5" x 20.5"
What I want to achieve right now, and the direction I want to go, is maddeningly out of reach. What does it mean when you're never satisfied with the work you produce but keep producing work anyway because the alternative, i.e. not producing anything, sucks?
PS The model for this tree is in my next-door neighbours' front yard. The leaves, before they fall, are a flame red.
LOL! Not laughing AT you, Andrea. I'd say what it means is that you're an artist, and a human who reaches....
I've always felt that people that are too easily satisfied lose their edge in a flash. This is particularly deadly for art of all kinds, but takes a toll in any profession.
Have never understood those who are content to do the same thing, over and over, without change or improvement. Doesn't feel like "living" to me. seems way too dumbed down to be bearable.
But then, maybe they are taking their chances, focusing their energy and struggling for improvement in other parts of their lives that I don't know about, and the part I see is just the "paying the mortgage" side.
That said, I like this piece a lot. A LOT. Calls out pretty strong.
I personally love this piece but can also relate to what your saying which is why I haven't produced any new work in months.....
Hayden: :) The minute I posted this I thought, "You idiot. It's because you're an artist!" ...though right now it feels like I'm a wannabe more than anything. Just. can't. Reach. It. I guess, like most things, it's about balance and creating the right amount of tension between striving and producing.
Melody: I'm going to come and visit you, walk in your woods, drink your coffee and then kick your butt into gear! LOL
Oh, my gosh. The way you've captured the flight of the birds. That's ... that's... yes.
This is beautiful Andrea! Don't be too hard on yourself...at least that's what I'm trying to say to myself these days...maybe its just...February???
yeah, i know what you are saying and it is a process i guess? hell if i know :P you are most amazing to me :D
Do you know how many times Beethoven's ninth raced thru the man's head before he finally found what worked. I like the crow motif, it hasn't become tedious either. I would like to see where it goes.
Kiki: I'm glad you said that because I did them very fast, trying to catch their movement.
Sheila: I never suffer SAD ... except in February! :)
Val: You know process! ... and thank you.
Theo: I didn't even plan to put crows in this one but they snuck in anyway. What do you think they're trying to tell me?
Hello, I popped by from Ponita's.
I agree with the previous coments - that if you're satisfied then you'll stop. Keep on striving, it looks bloody good to me!
I don't know how you blundered onto my blog, but I'm real happy you did, because I wouldn't have wanted to miss this. If you're unhappy with that art you must do some tremendous stuff. It knocks me out. I do wish I knew what your "mixed media" were. The entire wood-cut effect is one of my favorite forms. You're fabulous.
SB: Always good to heave outside input since I'm a bit of an antisocial blogger and don't make the rounds often enough!
Murr: Thanks for the great feedback. Moreidlethoughts is my cyber sister and she knows what I like so she pointed me in your direction. She was so right! As for the drawing, it's coloured pencil and technical pen on black paper. It requires a sort of backwards thinking (negative space) that I excel at! :)
Yes you do. I was thinking colored pencil on black paper. I've got to try that. Don't worry, I won't be any competition. You rock hard.
In my humble esteem, Andrea (and I once was art critic for our local rag) I think this is dazzling. I absolutely love it.
Murr: I do think backwards like a pro! :)
Ian: You're a peach. Again.
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