Sometimes you just have to let a painting paint itself. This started out as a very different image, full of colour and primitive symbolism. In the end it turned out to be a white painting with a quasi-realistic representation of the endangered Ferruginous Hawk+ taking centre stage with the crows looking on from both natural and urban settings like prophets of doom. Only after painting it did I realize there were 13 of the little black devils. Including the crows was supposed to be a positive thing and I still see it that way. Corvids cache things they value and they are included as symbols of that need to value endangered species. Such clever birds.
+According to Nature Canada, there are only about 6000 Ferruginous Hawks left in Canada (2000-4000 breeding pairs).
i love this LOVE IT!!!
A - mazing!
It's amazing to see how you love these birds through your paintigs and your stories. Thank you :)
Thanks you three and I don't often remember to say thank you for commenting. It really gives my day a lift when someone make the effort.
SO cool. 6000 isn't very many?
I was watching corvids bend metal strips to make hooks to pick up little pails..and get short sticks out of tubes to get the long sticks in other tubes that will reach the prize.
Uberscary smart..they are evolved Jurassic Park raptors "I suppose they know how to open doors?" smart.
beautiful and loving your colours :)
I love the touch of the telephone lines and poles. And thanks for the info. I honestly wasn't aware of that particular species.
Oh, wow! It is gorgeous, Andrea! I am glad it painted itself white :)
whew. stark and not, simultaneously. How can that be?
I like this a lot - the colors, the birds ... everything.
And thank you to the rest of youse guys. I still appreciate it! :)
I liked this when I first saw it and the more I look at it I like it even more. love the poles, the red pushing through. very cool. A lot going on, and yet so nicely harmonious.
Wow Andrea, beautiful and very mature!
Harmonious (Ellen) and mature (Lilah) = uh-oh. Whatever happened to discordant and youthful? I'd better get painting! :)
harmonious- wise/discordant- youthful:
How about vital and insightful? To me, the red has a sense of illumination about it that is filled with life force. Not staid, despite the cool tones of grey.
Vital and insightful - perfect. Today is the first day since I painted it that I've wanted to continue the oeuvre. I really wasn't sure at first -- I guess I needed percolation time. Back to the easel soon.
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