12" x 24"
oil on canvas
We have liftoff! I finished the sky this morning after returning from a mini getaway yesterday. While working I suddenly realized what a risky sort of move it was documenting the progress of a painting so far outside my comfort zone. Not only was the medium still unfamiliar and the subject matter and way of working a departure, but the desired result is very different from what I normally hope to achieve. No honeymoon phase for me for this one, I'm afraid -- only doubt. I am, however, pleased that I learned so much while stressing over this painting. Thank you to those who went through the process with me!
love love love it! looks like the pressure agrees with you, or it was the mini getaway ;) the horses mane looks amazing and I really like how you have put such movement into the painting, I think I feel a breeze :)
Well, I really like it. It *is* very different than your "normal" style, but it works very well. And, as Costescu says, the movement in the painting is amazing!
Wow. Very, very cool. And fascinating as always to watch how it all goes together.
You know, exposing the doubts makes the rest of us more confident about taking our own little leaps. When all any of us see is polished, professional, finished results (in any field) it can get way too intimidating to try things.
So thanks for contributing to the galactic store of courage!
Very nice. For me, you've captured a feeling that I was trying to photograph out in Wyoming last year. No, I'm not going to paint!
I could, of course, email you, but you and your other readers deserve all opinions.
My opinion is not always the "right" one.
So, for what it's worth (sod-all, probably!)I'll say, as a small collector of Pratts, I prefer your earlier style.
I wonder...would you ever paint"Shooting the Breeze" in that style...?
Hi, Your blog post caught my eye on Self Taught Artist's blog-- I love the way the horse and bird seem to be engaged in a dialogue. The sky is the perfect touch! Beautiful work.
Tracey: Since wind was the real subject matter, so glad you feel it! :) The mane was entirely fictional, based on those endless drawings I once did. :)
OmegaMom: Thank you for saying so. It was fun experimenting with a different style and figuring out how to apply the idea to all parts of the painting.
Hayden: As someone who has a tendency to speak before I think I guess it's not all that surprising that I don't seem to mind "laying it all out there" but I certainly appreciate the vote of confidence! And I don't mind a little criticism if warranted. (I even got some in the comments. Awesome! :)
Emprint: I'd never done a 'prairie painting' before, but was trying to capture what I could remember using the photo I took in Alberta. I'm glad it feels right.
Di: Earlier style but also current style when using acrylic. I'm still feeling my way around oil paint and trying to build a bridge between the medium and my own style since my acrylic and coloured pencil style definitely does NOT work with this medium. I am, as always, a work in progress!
Collage Whirl: Thank you for visiting and if you look down a couple of posts you'll see what they're discussing. :)
Different yes, yet still very much you. The colour palette, energy and natural subject matter is still you, with an almost hyper-real feel. I find it stunning, I particularly love the stillness of the animals amidst the swirling of the wind and grass.
I often find it needs some time away from a piece which didn't go where expected to be able to get over those expectations and apprecaite it for itself.
Denise: Thanks. I usually have a bit of a honeymoon period when I first finish a work where I like it a lot and can't see its inadequacies. With this one it's the opposite. After a couple of weeks I hope it looks better just as the ones I love at first lose some of their lustre -- a restoration of equilibrium.
I really really like it! I've been mostly offline for the last couple of weeks, so I didn't catch the process as it was going on. What a surprise to see something so different pop up in your art! Delightful!
When I was young, I used to draw endless horses - it was the only thing I was fairly confident in drawing at the time, partly because I was always riding so I knew horses better than anything. I may have to try again!
I love it. They way you created it adn planned it ... And the outcome :) Great art!
Heather and Frank -- thank you!
Outside your comfort zone or not, I just love the surreality of it. It's wonderful. I want to write a short story based on it.
I do love your old style but this piece is wonderful. A breath of fresh air!
I love this! This mare is actually my mare's grand-dam.. very cool to see her immortalized in such a beautiful way. Just beautiful!
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