March 19, 2012

sea to sky weekend

whistler 12

sea to sky 3

white dog studio gallery 7

squamish river 6

Just a few photos of our weekend trip up Howe Sound to Whistler to drop off paintings at the new gallery. We got a glimpse of the new space a week before the grand opening, spent an afternoon in Whistler Village with all the St. Patrick's day revellers, then doubled back to Squamish to spend the night. We were about a month too late for the eagles at Brackendale. Next year! I have to say that the artwork Penny is bringing into her new gallery just south of Whistler at Function Junction is a notch above the work on display in Gallery Row in the heart of Whistler Village. I love that!


kj said...

andrea, that second photo is unreal. i would give my allowance to see that for myself :^)

looks like a nice gallery. and a nice weekend


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the gallery :). I would love to attend a gallery opening. Have fun, it looks like it will be a beautiful space.
Stay inspired!

SamArtDog said...

Very nice gallery space. Can you imagine having a space like that as a studio?!
You take great photos!

andrea said...

KJ: I actually grew up looking at an almost identical view slightly farther south. Jealous much? :) (I am -- of my childhood self!)

Michelle: Thank you and I am feeling pretty inspired right now!

Sam: Lucky Penny gets to work in there, too. her studio space (she's a cermaic artist) is in the back beside the kitchen. More photos of the space-in-transition here:

albina said...

Pretty awesome! Congrats on showing in such a cool gallery!!! Photos of your weekend are fantastic, too - those islands in the mist are simply inspiring :)

dinahmow said...

Something about the Sound. I guess I'm just an islands girl. :-)

Angela Wales Rockett said...

Wonderful photos! And what a great gallery - congrats!