November 26, 2011

circle f

Excuse the art recess. Since I haven't posted in almost two weeks I'm using these photos, taken over the past few months, as an excuse. These are just a few of the pretty faces I've had the pleasure of working with at Circle F, and the top three are still looking for homes.


Within Without said...

Beautiful animals all. I'd love for an artist to talk about painting them or drawing them. That would be you, not Vincent Van Gogh.

andrea said...

Chris: That would be my friend, Michelle, whose professional art practice is all about horses and she does workshops on drawing/painting them.

Sheila Tansey said...

These are lovely creatures Andrea! And lovely photos of them. I've been taking photos of the horses at Arion since last winter, but I can't yet seem to capture the essence of character that you have in these lovely animals! These are awesome!

Indigene Theresa said...

Well, when you're surrounded by these beauties, you have to put the paint brush or sketch book down for a minute or two! Wowzer! I love them!

jo rosenblum said...

You do take a lovely photo, nice to see you posting.

Melody said...

Wow Andrea, amazing photos! And yes, it is so good to see you posting again. Guess I kind of said exactly what Jo said. But I wasn't copying I really meant it.

Within Without said...

You're the only professional artist I know, Andrea. I trust and believe in YOUR talent as an artist. No offence to Michelle meant at all, but it is what it is.

justin said...

Yes, your photos are wonderful, as ever, Andrea.

kj said...

those first three horses don't have homes? those beautiful creatures? that first shot especially is just captivating. i love horses, andrea. i don't know any, but i love their strength and depth.

happy for you that circle f is part of your good life.


Anonymous said...

"Oh Wilburrrrrrr."

valerie walsh said...

once again you captured their spirits, each and every one :) lovely!