October 26, 2011

mysterioso imaginatio

You are invited to:

This exhibition involves the work of three artists, a father and daughter and a friend. They are different in their styles and you will see an interesting collection of pieces, but they share the common quality of engaging the imagination. Their work reflects concern for the visual interpretation of the world around them, but in ways that expand on what is perceived. As humans, one of our greatest gifts is to see beyond the surface to the underlying currents, and as artists we can explore these and manufacture them into representations for others to see. A crow is so much more than a black bird walking on a lawn. An arbutus tree speaks of ‘otherness’ as it twists and turns, reaching for the light while clinging precariously to a rock face. A face with one eye larger than the other opens our minds to realities that we know exist, but that remain mysterious.

Please join Dave, Laura and me at the Havana Gallery and Restaurant, 1212 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, this Sunday for an exhibition of our paintings. If you can't make it, the exhibition continues through November 12th.

For more info, please visit the Havana website.


angela recada said...

Wonderful! I hope you have a terrific time!

Melody said...

Wish I could be there....have a wonderful time

Within Without said...

The lonely but ever-present wise old crow, an observer...have a great time!

Ponita in Real Life said...

Cool! Wish I lived close enough to go. I hope it's a smash hit!

kj said...

oh how i wish.....

every frame is fantastic. i hope you get lots of praise and applause. here's mine from afar: CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP!!!!!


merlinprincesse said...

You know I love your art AND crows! Darn I'm far!!! :( I would soooo go to your show! Wishing your all the best for selling all those BEAUTIFUL paintings!

SamArtDog said...

As I see it, the eagle, gull and hawk are keeping the murder of crows honest. That's my warped read, anyway. In any case, it's a fascinating piece.

Have a great show!

Indigene Theresa said...

I wish I could be there! Sending you warm hugs and profitable vibes! :)

andrea said...

Thanks all -- and SamArtDog: it's 9 pieces!

SamArtDog said...

Pieces. Nine fascinating pieces.

By my clock, you're at the opening right now. And smiling.

valerie walsh said...

It looks to be a splendid show Andrea, i wish you a wonderful event :)