October 19, 2011


Like me, trying to find my footing again, this blog needs a kickstart. Slapping the beginning of a half-baked idea on my studio table, photographing it and seeing what happens next is a start.

grid1 angle


Within Without said...

Hope all went as OK as it could, Andrea. The figure of a crow sketched out on a bright background gives you plenty of room to roam. Hope you're able to get back into a normal life with a smile.

Anonymous said...

Having just spent 2+ hours printing after a l o o o o g break, I think I know where you're up to/at/coming from.

andrea said...

Well, I've already managed to screw it up. It's all part of getting back on the horse I guess.

Within Without said...

It is. Be patient with yourself. Be gentle.

SamArtDog said...

Scary, but you are yourself.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
No pressure. :0]

Indigene Theresa said...

Oh, I love the color and I see a bird, so you are on a good path! We always want to run, when sometimes baby steps are what's needed! Well, that's what I keep telling myself! lol! I'm looking forward to whatever you do. :)

andrea said...

%!?^#!? -- second painting on this panel failing and needing rubbing off. Thank you for your loyalty!

Kim Hambric said...

beginnings are almost always good (slow, but good). looking forward to seeing what comes of this piece.

andrea said...

Thanks, Kim. So far = nothing. :(

alison said...

keep at it Andrea and it looks great to me. I am a long time admirer of your work.
Looking forward to the results of this piece, good luck.You will succeed.

andrea said...

Thank you, Alison. Still struggling but I may just wipe off and re-think ONE MORE TIME after two false starts.