Peace doves are easy to identify/understand/like. Peace crows? Not so much. With their heavy symbolic and mythic baggage they are often bad omens, especially of death, and have no religious connection to peace, like the dove. A couple of days ago I saw a bunch of crows making a major ruckus and gathering in a local tree. I think it was just a Christmas party but I could see where they get their bad reputation.
Crows as a species are clever, social, affectionate with one another, mate for life, care for their children well into adulthood and clean up after us. What's not to like? They have higher moral standards than most humans and I dare you to show me a more attractive pigeon. Besides, isn't peace all about conquering fear and forgiving one's enemy?
Merry Christmas and Peace on Earth.
9" x 12" oil on canvas
i have to admit they freak me out a little just because they are so THERE. what is that saying...3 crows to the left and everything is right, 3 crows flying to the right and everything is wrong.
merry christmas my dear :)
Best non-sentimental post of the year. We should send this to all the Mullahs, priests, sabre-rattlers and any other intolerant character!
Of course, I may be a little biased. ;-)
Have a wonderful Christmas, Andrea.
I'll wave as I fly by!
Paula: Ha! I hadn't heard that one, but it sounds like so many others. My favourite crow proverb: "Crows bewail the dead sheep, and then eat them". Merry Christmas to you, too, homie.
Di: Thanks, and don't think I haven't thought about cashing in my Air Miles and joining you. Got an extra sofa where you're staying? Bon voyage, safe journey and Happy Christmas.
I know i said it on KOM but again very Merry Christmas to you and your family :)
I love this post, the painting,crows and peace :)
You are so funny and i enjoyed this very much!
I often have thought a friend that passed on is a crow that visits me and watches me, weird i know but i have a feeling it is him...
It's been a fun year, Val. Hope you have a great holiday.
Love the painting. Love the sentiment.
Happy Christmas to you :-)
And to you, Nadine. When are you moving to the island?
I LOVE crows and am known by my family as the crow-talker and I'm so glad to finally see a positive and light-filled piece about them. A friend pointed out a biblical reference to the wisdom of crows that I appreciate and I always consider a murder of crows to be a good omen - the bigger the better ;) Have a wonderful New Year Andrea.
I think we can't forgive crows for being so AWARE. We feel judged and are suspicious of being tricked, too. And then there is the mob behavior (so human!) that got them their group name.
I like crows, but a crow bringing peace? I'd wonder what his agenda REALLY was.
Since crows and humans share so many characteristics I understand your suspicion, Hayden. :)
I am a huge fan of crow-dom, even if they irritate me in nesting and fledgling season. Love your picture. Happy New Year to you all.
Thanks, Veronica and Ian, fellow corvidophiles, and Happy New Year to you, too.
Very funny picture :-)
Once I was climbing a high rock in the sea at a beach and I was attacked by a big sea crow. 'Course I understood that I couldn't stay on that crow's home or I could fall by concentration loss.
Another time I saw a "domestic" country crow "talking". "He" was on a stick but untied, free at his master's home.
Anyway I love to see them in Summer around the fiels making big noises searching for food :-)
Much better than all the pigeon pests that poo everything everywhere :/
So have a Happy New Year my dear friend with lots of incredible crows :-)
Wonderful painting. Thank you and Peace to you too.
Where is that "like" button? Happy Holidays!!!!
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