These are done and ready to be shipped after I varnish the painting. I was thinking the purple area on the one on the top (companion to
this one) was too intense/dark, but, as a lover of contrast, I have decided to leave it as is. Anyone care to talk me out of it? The background on the drawing took ages but was worth it as it has a nice burnished glow and delicacy to it when seen in real life. (By the way, if anyone's paying attention, the preliminary sketch was in
this post.)
Does this mean I have to start my Christmas shopping now? :(
Not going to talk you out of the purple! Beautiful paintings both of them!!
yeah i like this leave it be
Step away from the painting. It is perfect as is :-)
They are done Andrea! I really like them!
I love a solution that means I don't have to do any extra work. I'm convinced now! :)
You finished! yay, looks good. Please don't hate me when I suggest that your eye might move better around the painting if you carry on a little lighter version that purple and fill in that little flesh tone triangle on the upper right, between the yellow and white? Still keeps that great contrast but unifies it better, but I could be wrong. Nicely done. Think that's my favourite colour, love that rich aubergine like purple. Bottom drawing is gorgeous. Now back to crows?:)
I love them! That stunning shade of purple creates a gorgeous contrast.
amazing work Andrea :)
Love them! Love dragonflies, and these are great! The red is so rich and yummy!
Those are exquisite, Miss Andrea. I stand in awe of so much of your work. In my esteem neither dragonflies nor butterflies are mere insects. They are too beautiful.
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