8" x 8" oil on wood panel
Once upon a time there was a blog. It started out tentatively, but within a few months the author found her "voice" and was blogging about art, life and whatever amused her. It became an important creative outlet and was all about expression, experimentation, information and social interaction. Then along came FACEBOOK and pulled the rug out from under the blog. In some ways it became more about its original intended purpose -- i.e. art -- and less about the endless distractions that her magpie mind liked to chase down.
On June 27th I made my 800th blog post just after reorganizing my studio. Just a month earlier was my blog's fifth anniversary. I knew a change was coming but wasn't quite sure what form it would take ... until today. I decided to start a fresh page, so to speak, rather than incorporating the old blog. I know it's risky as I will probably lose a bunch of followers, but I suspect the ones that really matter will stick with me. I do intend to make this blog more about my art and process, but as a lifelong obsessive shutter clicker, there will still be fotoz. Tons-o-fotoz.
AND, If you subscribe, I will give you my first-born male child. I'm done with him anyway.
i have subscribed and i DO NOT WANT A CHILD.
My very first comment! :) As for the child, are you sure? He's 6'2" and looks a bit like a Viking prince...
I was poised to comment, but feeling a bit guilty that I might actually have been the first commenter EVER here, even though I haven't really been your most loyal follower - so a bit relieved that Paula got there first! Well, not the most vocal visitor anyway, although I still read lots through the courtesy of Google Reader. But I guess having been around on and off ever since those early days gives me an excuse...
I'd be intrigued to hear more about why you've decided to create a completely new blog. I actually did the same thing a month or two back, then couldn't quite bring myself to sever ties with the old one, outdated though the layout is. Maybe I'm just too afraid to change! How does it feel for you?
Anyway, here's to the future, both of this shiny new blog and whilst we're at it to the big wide world as well :)
Although I don't comment often, I do read along and love to see your art and your photos. I'm sure the new digs will collect a healthy following, just like the old one!
lol, yeah thanks but cute as he is you can keep the kid!
Love your latest painting, Life, Death and Dinner the oils are defininetly worth the waiting time & messiness :)
I change my template about 5 times a month so I'm not freaked out.
Congrats on your Blogoversary...we've shared a lot of ideas and stuff over the years and I am so glad that we found each other.
Although I am toying with the Posterous thingamabob that supposedly sends my crap onto Facebook, Twitter & Blogger I seem to be stuck in Fb :p
but I will certainly be spending more time back here once I get flagged and shut down for good.
You Rock xxoo
Nope! Blogger still kicks me out.I'll try under my Google entity...
Di: Keep on trying! I'm pulling for you!
Ponita: I'm the same -- more a reader than a commenter these days, but I sure love me some regular blogs, like yours.
Tracey: You know what I love? The surface quality that you just can't see in a photo. 'Tis a shame.
Donn: Yes, but I was still using OLD BLOGGER. There were so many things I couldn't do and this is so much more user friendly. I felt pressure to just "get out" before it all buckled under its own weight. And you have an even more curious, distraction-seeking mind than me which I just love, so I hope you keep blogging. If not, see you on the ol' social networking site, buddy boy.
Congratulations on your shiny new blog, Andrea! So exciting! Like a new tube of paint. Or a sheaf of very cool handmade paper to play with. I think you made the right decision.... let us hop right over from the old blog. That was easy and you won't lose those folks that really loves ya!
Nice, simple and clean template!
Cynthia: Of course you matter! Just glad to see you blogging again.
Helen: Aw, thanks. And it is like fresh art supplies, isn't it! I love that analogy.
Vic: I was so glad to find a good basic template that I could tweak to my own liking. It took some time but I got it looking just the way I wanted. Still thinking about the banner, though. I don't want an image but I'd like a wider choice of fonts.
I've added you to my Bloglines and will keep coming back. But you can keep the kid - I've got enough.
I found you! Congrats and maybe I'll do the same!
Oh Hello, here you are! Very nice *looks round* hmmm where are the pictures then eh?
Thanks, H & C. And Z: I'm still decorating! :)
Looking forward to seeing what you will be bringing. Love your artwork.
Magpie - I like that. I've always said that about myself, too - I have a magpie brain.
Now about that son - does he dig gardens?
Thanks, Susan! And Hayden -- his mother spoils him but he is strong and takes instruction well!
Happy 5 years, boy that flew right by like this beautiful bird :) nice place you got here ;)
oh and you can keep the kid but i will subscribe :D
I'll throw in his brother to sweeten the deal!
I'll take the other son if you agree to take my other "diva" daughter....16 going on 26
I'm in! Give me art! Give me fotoz!
PS. I love what you are doing with the oils.
I guess I won't subscribe, but only because I already have my own son, 19 next Saturday, and full of mischief. One son is more than I can handle, thank you very much! (Maybe we can trade, though. . .) But I will gladly follow - LOVE the art and fotoz!
Angelas: Just checked your blog for the first time in a few weeks and LOVE your template! Was it always like that and I missed it before doing the same (almost)?
Hi again! No, I changed all my blogs to the new templates as soon as I saw that the new design link was working about a month or so ago. I LOVE the simple and clean look of these new templates, don't you? They really show off the photos. LOVE the look of your new blog, too!
Nice blog. You have a great style.
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